Wide-Eyed Reflections: A Sunday smile in the face of an elephant gun...

Saturday, January 12, 2008

A Sunday smile in the face of an elephant gun...

I love/hate art.

It's easy for the math people...there's only one right answer. No one argues whether 2 + 2 = 5 in some cases, or suggests that we leave it open to interpretation. People aren't considered better or worse within the church based on whether they've chosen to work with algebra or trigonometry. And all of the rules are straightforward.

Then you have the film majors.

It's ridiculous the kinds of things people tell me or assume about me. Apparently I'm either
A) selling out on the faith
B) trying to save Hollywood from damnation like Abraham tried to save Sodom
C) going to push Jesus' agenda for Him until every movie that it cranks out is a dramatization of a book of the Bible

Survey says: D) None of the above.

I was involved in a long conversation about the role of Christians in entertainment this afternoon, and eventually just walked away and started banging on the piano. I'm a laid-back person, but...augh. No one seems to understand that people can use art that isn't "Christian"-labeled to glorify God...on purpose! To them it's either a fluke or sin. Regardless of its real effect.

[The neighbors are playing the theme to Hawaii-Five-O. Really loud.]

I can't look you in the eye and tell you that I know how to label every movie good or bad. I'm freaking eighteen. I'll probably be wrestling with the specifics my whole life. But I still chase art. I have to. I'm not meant for math.

I want Him to speak through my movies the same way He speaks through the sunset. Because even heathens love to watch sunsets.


Anonymous said...

Well, my advice: ignore those people who don't understand. Make a great movie...and shove it in their face.

And I can't even begin to imagine you doing something math related. It'd be weird.

David The Good said...

Yes - I know the feeling.

I chose art and have never regretted it. Not a big fan of math, for sure. Though I admit a certain weakness for percentages... they're just so cute!

Mark Anthony Cruz said...

I love this:

"I want Him to speak through my movies the same way He speaks through the sunset. Because even heathens love to watch sunsets."

Don't worry...this is a problem that only other Christian artists, and those sympathetic to them, truly understand. I agree with Branded. Good post, lady!

"Math may take you down the road of success...but Art takes you down the road that RAWKS!" LOL

Jon Croft, Liberty No. 5 Pictures said...

Hey, love your blog- you're a kindred filmmaker. Rawk on & dont let the ignorance out there get you down!

Anonymous said...

jolly good way to start a blurb.

"i love/hate art."

welcome to hannahland.


Jon Croft, Liberty No. 5 Pictures said...

I just had to comment here again! I really love this post because I have thought about what you said many times. I remember in the 90's feeling the same way about christian music so very strongly. here is what i think...

step by step:
1) Jesus told christians to use their talents to glorify God.
2) Spreading the Gospel doesnt just happen by 'preaching' but also happens by 'living in the truth of your faith'. To me this means not only that your work doesnt contradict your faith but also that your work expresses the truth in the world. These days just saying there are 'absolutes' at all is an expression of faith.
3) I have never seen a non-believer influenced by christian music to get saved. I have only seen people out in the world affecting the world through normal communication they relate to being affected.
4) All of this signals why talented christian artists are targeted so harshly to get in line and be religious more than any group i can think of right now. Why? Because what they do is so very, very impactful in the world!

So once again- keep tha faith!!